
SIL News 28

SILnews 28 September 1999 Contents The weird and wonderful: Australian arid zone rivers / SIL 2001 >>> Working Group reports >>> Environmental news and issues >>> Announcements >>> Book reviews >>> Calendar of events >>> Letters to the Editor >>> SIL 2001 To see and experience first hand the weird and wonderful limnology of Australia, […]

SIL News 27

May 1999 Contents Wilhelm Rodhe >>> Contact persons for Working Groups Working Group reports >>> Tonolli Memorial Fellow >>> Limnology in developing countries >>> Announcements >>> Book reviews >>> Calendar of events >>> Message from the President A recurring concern of any organisation is what that organisation can do for its members and what the […]

SIL News 26

January 1999 Contents Mary Burgess – retiring as SILNEWS Editor >>> SIL 98 Dublin >>> Abundance of fish symposia >>> Adoption of Lake Wigry, Poland, by SIL >>> The Working Groups of SIL >>> Reports from SIL Working Groups >>> DIALOG III >>> Opportunity for recent PhD recipients in limnology and oceanography Lake Tahoe scientist to […]

SIL News 25

May 1998 Contents The 75th Anniversary of SIL >>> How SIL is governed >>> The Working Groups of SIL >>> Reports from SIL Working Groups >>> The lighter side of SIL98 >>> A Center for Tropical Reservoir Fisheries and Limnology >>> An invitation to visit the Biological Station Lunz >>> Information on environmentally sound technologies […]

SIL News 24

Ireland on the Internet >>> Regionalization of Freshwater Ecosystems >>> Wetlands – further comment >>> Counter 4.4 – software >>> Biodiversity Working Group >>> Litter Breakdown in Streams and Rivers >>> Reservoir Conference >>> Rotifer Symposium >>> Ancient Lakes meeting in Japan >>> Kinneret Symposium 1998 >>> Books >>> Forthcoming Meetings >>> 75th Anniversary of […]

SIL News 23

June 1997 Contents Wetlands – your comments >>> Limnology in Ireland >>> Limnology down under >>> What happened to Lake Sevan? >>> Books >>> Forthcoming Meetings >>> Wanted – a new editor for SILNEWS The present editor of SILNEWS wishes to hand over to a new editor from the time of the next congress in […]
