SIL Membership Types
Regular Members: individuals interested in limnology who pay full dues.
Student Members: students (all countries) working toward a graduate or post-graduate degree. Student status is limited to a max of 6 years.
Early Career Members: professionals within the first 5 years after completion of their highest degree, who pay 50% of the dues in their country. Early Career status is limited to a maximum of 5 years.
Emeritus Members: individuals who retired and are in good standing with SIL for 20 + years, request emeritus status and are approved by the Executive Board. Emeritus members can choose to pay 50% dues and receive free on-line access to Inland Waters and the SIL Proceedings and Communications (category B), or pay no dues and receive no free on-line journal access (category A).
Family members: couples wishing to share a joint license to free on-line access to publications. If one person is a member at the full rate, then the partner may be a member at 50% membership fee rate.
Developing country: Gross Domestic Products (Gross National Incomes) per capita of US 25,000 or lower (based on the most recent World Bank list).
Fees by Membership Type