

In SILnews 27, 1999, May, page 10 the note “Geographical information system of the world lakes (GIS WORLDLAKE) for limnological studies” by S.V. Ryanzhin and M. Straskraba was published. Unfortunately, the address of Dr. S.V. Ryanzhin was indicated incorrectly. Will you please publish a correction with his correct permanent address as:

Dr. S.V. Ryanzhin
Institute of Limnology
The Russian Academy of Sciences
Sevastyanova 9
St. Petersburg, 196105 RF
Phone: +7 812 2948020
Fax: +7 812 2987327

Thank you in advance.

V.A. Rumyantzev
The Director
Institute of Limnology
Russian Academy of Sciences

George Evelyn Hutchinson

I was delighted to receive a copy of the magazine SILnews with the detailed account of my brother Evelyn and his life and work. I particularly enjoyed the photo of him on the front page. I had not seen it before. I like it better than any others that we have of him. I am made to wonder whether it would be possible to obtain some more copies of the photo not the magazine, so that the 5 children of our brother Leslie could have one each. I think they would feel, as I do, that the photo gives a warmly human picture of him, not just of a brilliantly intellectual scientist.

Once again thank you very much for sending me the magazine with the account of Evelyn and the delightful photo of him.

With my gratitude, all good wishes to you, from.

Yours sincerely,
Dorothea Hutchinson
Cambridge, England
