
Singaraju S.S. Sarma

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Singaraju S.S. Sarma

Full professor at National Autonomous University of Mexico, Campus Iztacala

My research interests are limno-ecology of different aquatic organisms (Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda, Anostraca, Cnidaria, fish larvae) with special reference to life table demography, population dynamics, body size, and predator-prey interactions. Taxonomy of Rotifera and Cladocera, and aquatic ecotoxicology.

My goals as NR for Mexico are to increase the membership in SIL from Mexico, conduct workshops/conferences under the auspices of SIL, invite prominent SIL members to Mexico for imparting courses on basic and applied limnology, and to contribute to SILNews regarding the latest developments on the Mexican limnology.

