€ 15,000
check went out to the child welfare organisation Plan International Deutschland. Vincotech wishes to thank everyone who supported this activity and took the opportunity to solve the puzzle. "Vincotech has formed a firm and sustainable partnership with Plan International over the years. We are happy to sponsor development projects supporting children's rights worldwide and we monitor the progress of these projects with great interest," says Eckart Seitter / SVP Sales & Marketing. For more information about this project please see the Vincotech-partner-page at Plan International.Vincotech's Gaming-for-charity Drive Brings In €15,000 At PCIM Europe

Vincotech pledged to donate money to Plan International for every successful attempt. The funds will go to a project aimed to empower girls and boys and make the inner-city slums of Delhi, India, a safer place. This initiative is part of Plan International’s global 'Because I’m a Girl' drive. The company is proud to announce that visitors stepped up to the challenge, racking up around €11.3K during the fair's three days.
Vincotech matched all contributions. A