This project aims to afford girls safe access to public spaces so they can move about their cities freely and have a say in their future.
Maike Röttger, National Director, Plan International Deutschland e.V. stated, "With the generous donation of 15,000 euros, Plan International was able to train 3,500 adolescent girls in 140 workshops on Being Safe in the City. Participants learnt about asserting their right to the city, challenging gender stereotypes and social norms, recognizing gender inequality and ways to proactively speak about issues of safety and inclusion. They identified decision-makers and local authorities who can support them to address the gender-based violence and insecurity they face. As part of the workshop, the girls took part in safety walks in their neighborhood, analyzing the safety situation based on seven principles. Based on the analysis they are developing recommendations on how to improve their neighborhood. This includes e.g. strengthening police presence in their resettlement area, increasing the network of safe houses where the adolescent girls can find support, and assigning budgets for their use of and access to parks. These recommendations are then presented to the local authorities to discuss how to address the issues. Thank you, Vincotech, for empowering girls and contributing to making cities safer for them.”
Eckart Seitter, Senior VP Sales & Marketing at Vincotech, says, “Vincotech champions equal rights within the company, and we want to do the same in the world outside. Gender inequality is still prevalent, and achieving equal rights for all is a journey of small steps. But this project presents a real opportunity to make huge strides for vulnerable young girls in these regions. We are proud to be making our small contribution to the cause and are tracking the ‘Safer Cities for Girls’ project’s progress with keen interest.”
Best wishes for a peaceful holiday season to all from Vincotech.
For more information about this project please visit Safer Cities for Girls
Vincotech Donates €15,000 Towards ‘Safer Cities for Girls’