Announcements – SIL-International Society of Limnology International Society of Limnology (SIL) Fri, 03 May 2024 14:04:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Announcements – SIL-International Society of Limnology 32 32 Free to read Inland Waters articles Fri, 03 May 2024 13:17:38 +0000

Links to access free to read articles >>>

>>> Pilla et al. 2024: Deepwater dissolved oxygen shows little ecological memory between lake phenological seasons


>>>Jones et al. 2024: Carbon and nutrient sequestration in small impoundments: a regional study with global implications


>>>Wood et al. 2023: A national-scale trophic state analysis to prioritize lakes for restoration in Aotearoa New Zealand —


>>> Côté et al. 2024:Towards modeling data-poor lakes at the regional scale using parameters from data-rich lakes and relationships to lake characteristics —


>>> Görgényi et al. 2023: Rarity of microalgae in macro, meso, and microhabitats —


>>> Fehlinger et al. 2023:The ecological role of permanent ponds in Europe: a review of dietary linkages to terrestrial ecosystems via emerging insects


>>> Zhai et al. 2023: Modelling prolonged stratification and hypoxia in dryland river waterholes during drought conditions

Wetzel Week Thu, 04 Apr 2024 09:48:42 +0000


As General Secretary and Treasurer of SIL for 37 years, Robert Wetzel contributed enormously to the success and growth of the society. Ian Jones and John Smol recently coordinated and edited a new edition of Wetzel’s Limnology, recruiting over 50 international authors, with each chapter being brought up to date by experts.

SIL Education Committee coordinated the creation of chapter video summaries for Wetzel’s Limnology – Lake and River Ecosystems as a tribute to the memory of Wetzel, as well as an outstanding educational resource. The resultant videos are being produced in collaboration with chapter authors and colleagues. The first five videos are free to access to the public on our website. All are encouraged to share these videos broadly and use them as educational tools that complement the textbook chapters.

There are currently 10 videos available on our website or Youtube channel. You can follow this link to the entire playlist of videos, but here’s what’s featured:

Light & Color
Featuring Dr. Yannick Huot on chlorophyll fluorescence profiling, and Dr. Kevin Rose on water clarity and climate change.

Featuring Dr. Hilary Dugan on the impact of human activities on the salinity of lake and river ecosystems, and Drs John Melack and Bob Jellison on collaborative studies at alkaline-saline Mono Lake California.

Freshwater Plants
Featuring Dr. Clive Howard-Williams about water plant research in New Zealand lakes.

Featuring Dr. Stephen Thackeray about his research on zooplankton migration.

Algae and Cyanobacteria
Featuring an introduction by Dr. John Wehr to the ten main groups of algae in inland waters and a presentation by Dr. Sanet Janse van Vuuren on her work on river phytoplankton in South Africa.

Fish & Foodwebs
Featuring Dr. Erik Jeppesen on top-down food web controls in Arctic lakes, and Dr. Zhigang Mao on fish stocking and food web ecology in Lake Taihu, China

Sediments & Microbiomes
Featuring Dr. Michio Kumagai about his sediment-related work in Lake Biwa, Japan.

Featuring Dr. Irene Gregory-Eaves and Dr. John Smol about paleolimnological sampling, applications to Arctic climate change and the power of paleo-DNA analysis.

Featuring Dr. Shuqing An about his conservation work in Changshu wetlands, China, and Dr. Jos Verhoeven about his work on the ‘Room for the River’ project in the Netherlands.

Water Movement
Featuring Dr. David Hamilton on waves and modeling, Dr. Natacha Pasche on the Lake Geneva observing platform, and Dr. Sally MacIntyre on boundary mixing.

Because of this tremendous effort from the Wetzel family, editors, authors, and SIL’s Education Committee, we remind you that Elsevier is offering a 30% discount to all active SIL members on their purchase of the newest edition.

You can access this discount code in the General Information tab of your member area when you log in on the SIL website.

Please join us in recognizing the efforts of the co-authors, editors, contributors, and committees involved in this ongoing project and thanking all for creating free accessible learning tools.

Hoping you are as excited as we are about all this content, we hope to share more great accomplishments soon!

Wetzel Travel Award Results Thu, 14 Mar 2024 09:10:55 +0000

Wetzel SIL Congress Award 2024

Results of the Wetzel Congress Award 2024 are now available !


EU BioAgora Wed, 13 Mar 2024 09:33:48 +0000 IGB Berlin and the EU BioAgora project have launched a questionnaire to identify critical research needs for restoring free-flowing rivers, the aim of this questionnaire is to bridge the gap by identifying research priorities that address real-world societal challenges, involving a wide range of actors.

The EU BioAgora project is conducting a short online survey to help develop the nexts steps and ideas on how to restore free-flowing rivers across Europe. Your contributions will be discussed during a workshop at the upcoming Free Flow Conference (15-17 April) in Groningen (Netherlands), and will be developed into a interdisciplinary list of critical research needs to improve river restoration efforts, that will be communicated to EU Research & Innovation processes to shape future calls for research.

    • Take only five minutes to share your expertise and opinion in our short survey

    • Please complete the survey by March 15th to ensure your voice is heard

Please share this survey with your network so that we can reach as many people as possible, and let’s work together to ensure a healthier future for European rivers. 

Click the following link or scan the QR code to begin the survey:

Many thanks on behalf of the freshwater team within the EU BioAgora project,

]]> Wetzel SIL Congress Travel Award Mon, 06 Nov 2023 13:26:15 +0000

Wetzel SIL Congress Travel Award

Open to all young limnologists throughout the world that might otherwise be unable to participate in SIL activities, you can apply to the Wetzel SIL congress travel award to participate in the SIL2024 congress in May 2024!

Deadline application 22 December 2023
SIL needs Mentors Fri, 08 Sep 2023 06:37:06 +0000 We need mentors to help our mentees in their limnological journey!

SIL’s mentorship program offers the chance to students and early careers limnologists to be mentored by experienced scientists within the SIL international community that are willing to guide and advise them for up to three years (timeline to be agreed upon by the mentor and mentee based on their needs).

You want to become a mentor ? Fill in this form.

You want to know more about the mentorship program ? Go to our page.

Brian Moss Student Competition ~ Results from the national section Wed, 06 Sep 2023 11:13:19 +0000

Brian Moss Student Competition ~ Results of the national selection

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s Brian Moss Student Competition had 52 participants from all over the world! It’s amazing to see how this prestigious award has attracted so many talented individuals from 28 countries of both the global south and north. We’re so proud to have received submissions from such a diverse group of people.

To ensure transparency in our selection process, we have decided to publish the full list of participants, as well as the ones selected in each country that will be competing on the international stage. We believe this is the best way to show our appreciation for all of the hard work and dedication that went into every submission. 

Thank you to all of the participants who applied, and congratulations to those who entered the next stage of the competition!

Finally, we want to acknowledge the outstanding work done by our National Representatives. We are truly grateful for their contributions and dedication.

Ruben Sommaruga, Chair Brian Moss Student Competition
María de los Ángeles González Sagrario, Co-Chair Brian Moss Competition

Lists to download

List of all participants
List of selected participants for the international stage
SILNEWS 82 Tue, 05 Sep 2023 13:39:43 +0000 Workshop’s videos are now available! Sun, 02 Jul 2023 04:00:00 +0000 The Education Committee has been organizing workshops to help students improve their skills, you can now access to these workshop on replay:

Workshops and seminars


Taylor & Francis: 30% discount on books Thu, 18 Jan 2018 04:00:00 +0000